« Becoming a saga of NBA 2K18 | Power list: Yong Maji lead the Hornets to nba2k18 »
Posted on Sunday, Feb 23, 2025 11:19
« Becoming a saga of NBA 2K18 | Power list: Yong Maji lead the Hornets to nba2k18 »
Posted on Sunday, Feb 23, 2025 11:19
« Becoming a saga of NBA 2K18 | Power list: Yong Maji lead the Hornets to nba2k18 »
Posted on Friday, Sep 08, 2017 12:27
NBA Live 18 Coins Everyone knows mt mode requires pumping cards, today I bring you the experience card MT Coins mode pumping analytical skills, small partners who want to be able to get good players in mt mode it? The following tips will help you, we together look.
In addition to my other time and, like most players, it happens all the time is drilled cards are able to get, probably around pumping 400w, (since the beginning of time appeal is not so big), lost money in retro , I can not guarantee that this method can get the cost of drilling a small card, mt players carefully limited, Tyrant and I certainly welcome the continued practice
My first drill chuck Walker, the second is the Wall, which is a period of time out of the two, probably interval 50w, while I was in England, was taken out of the time period that I personally feel that the global players draw cards a minimum period of time (in addition to my own piece of Europe) at the time I was thinking would not smoke in the popular time period easier burst good card. (This is the cause)
But I think later take chances that Butler was behind me on the hard pumping, pumping 100w imagine Mao did not, then I gave up the moment, but later because of the emergence of Cousins apply again and again I want to see smoke the way of my law practice do not fly
Time: GMT 2:00 to 5:00, this time the eastern United States are 13:00 to 4:00, the United States and the West in the morning 10 am to 1 pm, most of the Chinese players have fallen asleep, the United States is not the user peak, the vast majority of European players do not draw cards or in the park, the main force is the least draw card when I came Butler, Cousins box out, box out Paul George, Paul George 25w yesterday and out , does not seem like a coincidence that so I wondered send a note, can only be regarded as a reference can not say a hundred percent, I can not guarantee, once again, mt players carefully limited
Then another time, I did not practice too, going to practice what eyebrows Lillard, Beijing is between 15:00 to 5:00, 7:00 to 9:00 Britain, the United States east two o'clock to 4:00, America West is 23:00 to 1:00, a non-weekend, this point is also a relatively small proportion of the draw card time, I'm going to try
This is not rocket science know-how, just an experience, after all, is not a coincidence that so many drill chuck, but I also completely unfounded blind Mongolia, I hope people will be able to get the drill card.